- Language:
- 日本語
- English
About the laboratory
The laboratory environment inevitably plays a major role in the rhythm of daily life and motivation for research when conducting research at university. Our laboratory, located in a corner of the A3 building of the Faculty of Engineering, is well equipped in terms of its environment. Air purifiers and frequent cleaning ensure a clean and comfortable atmosphere, and we have placed ornamental plants and other plants to create a pleasant atmosphere. As for research facilities, we have a local network for efficient exchange and sharing of data from experiments and papers, and a computing environment for large-scale simulation experiments. In addition, a dedicated environment for real-world experiments is available, so that robot swarms in the real world can be explored to the fullest extent.This well-developed environment ensures high quality research and allows us to contribute to the development of the advanced field of Swarm Robotics.
Lab events
- April
- laboratory assignment
- welcome party
- May-July
- Fourth grade study session
- August - October
- open campus
- graduate school entrance examination
- party of Graduate School Examination, Celebration of Success
- October-December
- Research Summary Seminar
- year-end party
- January - March
- Bachelor's thesis and master's thesis presentations
- Farewell party
Laboratory Environment

The rooms are very clean, as no one is allowed to enter the rooms with shoes on, and the rooms are cleaned frequently. The rooms are also equipped with air conditioning and heating, making them more comfortable than those at home.
Each student assigned to this laboratory is allowed to use one Mac and one Linux machine. Students may feel a bit confused at first when dealing with multiple machines, but rest assured that they will be guided by their seniors.
Computer Room

There are dozens of servers in the laboratory that are in constant operation. A large number of PC servers perform parallel and distributed processing to build a PC cluster that can achieve high performance at a low cost. Program execution on the cluster system has been speeded up, and combined with the improved performance of the individual PCs, the processing performance of the system has been greatly enhanced.